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В помощь магистранту (соискателю) при подготовке к беседе на иностранном языке по тематике, связанной со специальностью и научной деятельностью

В целях достижения профессиональной направленности устной речи навыки говорения и аудирования должны развиваться во взаимодействии с навыками чтения. Обучающийся в аспирантуре (магистратуре) должен уметь:

- подвергать критической оценке точку зрения автора;

- делать выводы о приемлемости или неприемлемости предлагаемых автором решений;

- сопоставлять содержание разных источников по данному вопросу, делать выводы на основе информации, полученных из разных источников о решении аналогичных задач в иных условиях.

Основное внимание следует уделять коммуникативности устной речи, естественно-мотивированному высказыванию в формах подготовленной и неподготовленной монологической и диалогической речи.

 В области монологической речи обучаемый должен продемонстрировать:

- умение логично и целостно как в смысловом, так и в структурном отношениях выразить точку зрения по обсуждаемым вопросам;

- умение составить план и выбрать стратегию сообщения, доклада, презентации проекта по проблеме научного исследования;

- умение устанавливать и поддерживать речевой контакт с аудиторией с помощью адекватных стилистических средств.

 В области диалогической речи необходимо уметь:

- соблюдать правила речевого этикета в ситуациях научного диалогического общения;

- вести диалог проблемного характера с использованием адекватных речевых форм;

- аргументированно выражать свою точку зрения.

 Полилог как средство научного общения предполагает:

- владение стратегией и тактикой общения в полилоге;

- умение выражать основные речевые функции в различных формах полилогического общения (дискуссия, диспут, дебаты, прения, творческие мастерские и т.д.).

 Для подготовки к устной беседе на иностранном языке предлагается использование ниже приводимых фраз, словосочетаний, предложений, а также ответить на вопросы:

My field of research is … .


The problem I

am studying concerns …


study …


investigate …


do research on …


carry out an investigation of …


undertake a study of …


I am engaged in


the activity




the function



researching into

the nature




the structure




the effects




the action




the courses




the influence




the properties



The main aim of my investigation


to find out …

The chief purpose of my work


to discover …

The primary objective of my research


to obtain …



to assess …



to demonstrate …



to show …



to test …



to check …



to verify …


The problem I’m trying to solve

is   …

The problem I’m studying



The investigation I’m carrying out











of practical importance



of fundamental value


involves certain difficulties


presents some difficulties


In my work I

turn for help to

my supervisor


turn for advice to

my colleagues



my Chair Chief


discuss things with


consult standard reference books


I carry out


to determine the parameters of …



to examine facts about (questions concerning …)



to measure the rate of (the amount of …)



to obtain data on …




to measure the rate of (the amount of …)



to obtain data on …




to test the validity of …



to provide evidence for …



to reveal the causes of …



to find out whether …



to confirm

the idea




the theory         that




the hypothesis


I managed

to give





to present





to provide





to obtain




show(s)       that …














The evidence




theoretical importance

These data

seem to be



practical value





experimental value

The techniques I use (apply) are as follows … .

The procedure I follow in my experiments is like this: … .

The facilities I need for my work include … .



1 What are you? What is your occupation?

2 When and what higher educational establishment did you graduate from?

3 How long have you already been working at theByelorussianAcademyof Sciences?

4 Are you a research worker or a postgraduate?

5 What area of science are you concerned with?

6 Are there many unsolved problems in your field of knowledge?

7 What problem do you deal with?

8 How many years have you been working on this problem?

9 Have you got acquainted with the literature available?

10 How is this problem being tackled inBelarusand abroad?

11 What famous scientists are engaged in this problem?

12 What is it that causes scientists to have such a great interest in this problem?

13 How do you approach the problem you work on?

14 What methods do you use in your work?

15 What is the essence of your method?

16 What theory is your research based on?

17 Is your work of theoretical or practical importance?

18 Have you already collected and arranged the necessary data?

19 Do you collaborate with anybody in your work or have you a particular topic?

20 Do you consult anybody on the problem you are interested in?

21 Who is your scientific supervisor?

22 What is his contribution to science?

23 Do you carry out any experiments?

24 What instruments do you use?

25 What measurements do you make?

26 What substances do you employ?

27 What progress have you made in your work?

28 When will you finish your work on the problem?

29 Have you obtained any promising results?

30 Are there any practical results to come out of your efforts?

31 What is the importance of your work for our notional economy?

32 What difficulties do you face in your work?

33 What conclusions have you come to in your research?

34 Are any seminars held at your lab?

35 Do you attend them?

36 How often are the seminars held?

37 What is the aim of the seminars?

38 What problems do you discuss at the seminars?

39 What questions attract your attention?

40 Have you got any scientific publication?

41 What are the subjects of your papers?

42 Have you ever participated in the work of scientific conferences, symposia?


Contact Information

Address: 246019,Gomel,Sovetskaya, 102 (building 5)

Phone: +375 (232) 57-61-93

Internet address: http://forlang.gsu.by

Dean of the Faculty: Bаnnikova Lyudmila S.